Corsair Vengeance M90 Laser Gaming Mouse

After we’ve presented to you the key from this, “Vengeance” series, it istime now for the mouse.
At first look we are attracted by the futuristic design, that we can saycame out of the  SciFi movies.
This is one of the coolest mouse this author has seen in the past 5years.

Enthusiast-grade5,700 DPI laser sensor
You get maximumprecision and response from the Avago Technologies ADNS-9500 LaserStream™gaming sensor, even on high resolution displays. Outpace and dominate opposingplayers with less accurate or slower gaming mice. 

15intelligently positioned buttons, including nine macro key
The 15 fullyprogrammable buttons are arranged and tuned for intuitive operation withoutcompromising your grip. You get almost effortless access to yourfrequently-used abilities, macros, button combinations, and spells. Keep yourfocus on the game, and not the buttons.

Solidaluminum chassis with a soft touch surface
The strongaluminum frame is the secret to low weight, high rigidity, and optimal massdistribution. The texturized, soft-touch surfaces are designed for comfort evenafter extended hours of gameplay. In short... it's designed to simply feelright. 

VengeanceGaming Mouse Software
Create up to 50profiles and share, import and export macros with the Vengeance gaming mousesoftware. It's a free download at

Quickprofile selection with onboard memory
Play multiplegames, with multiple character types? Store up to 6 profiles in memory on theVengeance M90 laser gaming mouse, so you can easily save your characterprofiles, favorite macros and frequently used keys.  Enjoy the convenienceof always having your profiles and preferences even if you switch PCs.

Onthe fly DPI adjustment
Instantly adjustDPI for precise control when quick changes are needed between differentsensitivity settings... all with the simple touch of a button.

When the actionis fast and furious, you are constantly moving and repositioning yourmouse.  The M90 includes lift detection provides high precision trackingand reliable cursor placement even when lifted off of the mousingsurface.   

SelectableResponse Time
Tune theperformance for your desktop surface by choosing between four response times —1000Hz, 500Hz, 250Hz, or 125Hz (1ms, 2ms, 4ms or 8ms).
 15programmable buttons are ergonomically placed to be exactly where you expectthem to be without compromising your grip.

High-massscroll wheel
The solid metal,rubberized scroll wheel doesn't just feel great — it gives you the precisionyou need when selecting weapons. Precise tactile feedback and accuracy help makesure that you select the right weapon every time.

PTFEglide pads and surface detection
The low-frictionglide pads ensure swift, precise movement with low effort, and the M90automatically optimizes its performance for your desktop surface. 

Quickprofile selection with onboard memory
Play multiplegames, with multiple character types? Now you can set up your mouse performanceand button configuration for each, and switch profiles directly from the mouse.Your profiles are stored in memory that's built-in to the Vengeance M90 lasergaming mouse , so you'll stay in control even when you switch PCs.

 CorsairVengeance: Designed for performance gaming
 The gearthat brings your gaming to the highest performance
Incredibleresponsiveness. Precise accuracy. Customizable, reliable controls. Intelligentdesign. The smallest details and the highly crafted refinements that make allthe difference. Vengeance gaming peripherals aren't typical gaming devices, butelite mice, keyboards and headsets that allow you to perform at your highestlevel. Brought to you by Corsair — people enthusiastic about performancegaming.

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