Lytro – Update

After I saw that all of you have really appreciate the firstpost on Lytro, I’ve stumble the web and not only and found some additional, extremelyinteresting, information.

Lytro is a new company that presents the first commercial productof a brand new technology. In 2005, the Standford University researchers havecreated the first photo camera based on the light field effect. This shouldoffer images in which all the objects are clear, even though there are in a meterof range or far off in the background. To obtain this effect, between thesensor and the objective is a fine coat of microlens. This separate the lightbeams before they reach the sensor. An app is later used to calculate where wouldthis beams go if the camera would had focus in different points of the profile.

It’s very compact and simplified tothe maximum. The user has twobuttons: the powerand shutter. Atouch-sensitive area in the middle of thedevice allows optical zoomup to 8x. Brightlens has f/2.0 and sensor behind ithas a resolution of 11 mega-rays. No mention here of megapixel images, butone ray of lightcan process the image sensor.

Youdon’t have to be an expert in designto recognize thatthe camera looks great. Compact and well built,it has a screen diagonalsquare 1.46", touchscreen. A little bit smallfor viewing images, it should bereplaced in later editions.Lytro camera savesimages in a RAW formatand after, they areprocessed by special software installed onyour PC. The memory deviceis not expandable. The manufacturer offers two models in threedifferent colors, one with 8 GBand one with 16 GB.The 8 GB to store 350 photosand the 16 GB couldstore 750 frames.

Imageprocessing is absolutely necessary. You can not view themas regular JPEG's.The ability to focusanywhere on the image require the presence of HTML5 or Flash technologies. Thegood part is that images stored on a Lytro server can be embed on any site. The downside is that they have a lowresolution and you can not seethem on your PC without special application.

Lytro cameras can be preorder now onofficial site, deliveries will begin in the firstmonths of 2012. The red, equipped with 16 GBof memory costs$ 500 and the8GB in black orblue, costs $ 400. Our verdict? An interesting technology, but with a limited use. When we seeimages at least with full HD resolution, run on almost any device as aJPEG, then perhaps we will consider the Lytro offer.

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