SteelSeries World of Warcraft: Cataclysm MMO Gaming Mouse

Along with the SteelSeries Shift Gaming Keyboard, we presentto you a gaming mouse designed especially for the World of Warcraft game.

MMOGaming Mouse
Developedfor World of Warcraft® players by SteelSeries and Blizzard Entertainment®, theWorld of Warcraft: Cataclysm™ MMO Gaming Mouse invokes the iconic imagery ofDeathwing the Destroyer, leader of the black dragonflight and instigator of theCataclysm. The SteelSeries World of Warcraft: Cataclysm™ MMO Gaming Mouse isfully scalable to meet and exceed the requirements of even the most demandingWorld of Warcraft gamer.

1. In-game set-upfor MAC and PC allows you to:
• Bind all 14 buttons directly from the World of Warcraft interface, withoutever leaving the game
2. 16 millioncolors with 4 levels of intensity and pulsation
3. Ergonomicdesign with an intuitive button layout
4. Easy tocustomize, drag and drop software allows you to:
• Program all 14 buttons with over 130 preset game commands
• Create your own custom macros or use the in-game macro scripting language
• Develop up to 10 profiles linked to the Armory
• Store your profile and settings directly in the mouse

FullySupported and Scalable via
• Multi-platformCompatibility
• On Board Memory
• Official In-Game Support
• Advanced Illumination
• Advanced Macros
• Up to 10 Unique Profiles

The SteelSeries Worldof Warcraft: Cataclysm™ MMO Gaming Mouse is available directly on theSteelSeries site for 89.99$.

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